Our Work

We are passionate about creating events and programming that cultivates and develops a culture of healing and inclusion. Do you have questions or suggestions? We would love to hear from you and your perspective. Feel free to send us a message by using our contact page at any time. 

Espanol: Nos apasiona crear eventos y programación que cultive y desarrolle una cultura de sanación e inclusión. ¿Tienes preguntas o sugerencias? Nos encantaría saber de ti y tu perspectiva. No dudes en enviarnos un mensaje utilizando nuestra página de contacto en cualquier momento.

Get a box with safe sex goods if you are sexually active and live in Atlanta

Stay tuned of our events to stay active and improve your mental health

Contact us if you need clothing for interviews or daily use

Our support group welcomes everyone who wants to get involved

Unete a nuestro grupo para personas Trans en el espectro masculino